Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

McGuiver goes boat building!!!!

Sunday 16th december 07Today, I went mad..... In my wisdom I decided FR 14 was going in whether it liked it or now.No crane, nobody else but the boys. so the gentle art of "McGuiver" came into play.Step 1. Load heavy Frame onto truck tail lift.Angle it upwards and drag it onto the scaffold towerRoll tower to bow and shove it onto the tops of the hull.Now,...
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Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

Lots To Blog Today Busy Busy Busy

Well what a busy day.First I brushed off the roof that was gritted yesterday.  I think the pictures say it all.  Im very pleased with the finish, paint it nextThen I set too with gritting the port gunwale.  I had previously marked the line so this morning it was masking.The masking and shaping took about 2 hours believe it or not,...
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Now the pram cover is in place I have got round to fitting the helm.  Ive had all this for ages but needed to wait :-(Ive had the helm wrapped in carbon fibre.  I think it looks pretty cool.Also installed are other controls and gauges.  These are inside the boat.From top to bottom:-  Water tank and waste tank gages, remote for the...
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Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

Its War On Mozzies

Why should we swelter with 26c -30C heat in the evenings when we have windows that are fully removable?S-Line WindowWell until now its because the mozzies win. We shut all the windows and suffocate. You see, we are unfortunately, the type of people that come out in massive lumps when bitten.  So its WAR!First off I made some fly screen replacement...
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Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

A Bit More Rudder

This is the rudder progerss so far. The bottom bearing cup and spiggot Using coins to give the right spacing for welding The space created for the weldThe plate welded which bolts on the bottom of the rudderDisassembledThe rudder mounted ready for the rudder shaft to be connected at the ...
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Minggu, 15 Januari 2017

New Welder

Needless to say, a steel boat needs a bit of welding... ok tons of it.I came across Hennessey Welding Supplies in Google and rang them.The boss man was a pleasure to deal with and on Weds October 24th I went to collect it in Cork.Lovely people to deal with and got a great new welder for the job.It is more than capable and has a remote wire feeder....
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Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Sound System Sorted

Bose 235Its very clever, and the sound........... Well its just unbelievab...
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Kamis, 12 Januari 2017

A really good way to spend the morning

Readers of our book will certainly be able to relate. We had a great morning, today, helping to change the Annie Bucks summer configuration to her winter configuration. It starts with a ride to the public wharf, where there is enough space to maneuver. The ride, on a perfectly cloudless day, with temperatures at right about 70F, was gorgeous....
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Door Furnature

I had a call fron the wood shop to tell me he was ready for the door furnature. So I thourght Id go to a local long established iron moungary store.  My needs wernt difficult, or so I thourght.  I wanted some 3" polished SS hinges, and a SS rebater door lock.  All they had was tat, the hinges were so bad IMO it was a waste of SS and no rebated locks at all.  This is supposed to...
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Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

More Step Work

Ive been modifying the steps in the boat.  This came about at the front because the water level sender gauge needed recalibrating now its on the water.  Previously it was done when it was on dry land during the tank testing etc. It was necessary to remove the front steps to do this and a timely visit from Graham of Matilda Rose fame made...
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Little Bit Of A Setback

Ive had a little bit of a setback of late, Ive been watching it hoping it would go away, but as its getting colder its getting worse.So what is it?The laminate flooring I used to line the ceiling is distorting. I suppose as the boat gets a tiny bit shorter.  Essentially is compressing and was beginning to ripple midships.  Other option is...
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Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

We do several shows every year. Although we are in the "business" of making model boats, not all of our shows are expected to be major selling events for us. Why would any business person say this? The making and selling of custom scratch-built model boats is definitely a niche market and for us every time we display them in public is an element...
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