Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

Raising the Keel

In early January, my dad and brother descended on the boat shop like Stormtroopers and raised the keel in no time using bottle jacks and one big truck jack. The keel was up to about 60 degrees when we decided to push her the rest of the way up. One big push and a rebel yell later, we had a keel! I wouldnt advise doing it this way, of course. The...
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Rabu, 28 Desember 2016

New Gas Main

After discovering Id installed the gas main wrong by using soldered joints I had to re do it.  This involved a bit of cosmetic damage to get at the old one to remove it and replace with the new.  This will be fixed in due course.So now all joints are made with compression fittings and all joints are available for inspection and adjustment...
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Looking better!

Saturday 10th November 2007Today it seems more like a boat. Having seriously pulled and dragged the sheets to line them up overnight, the shape becomes more apparent.David helps me with tools and checking the jacks are in place.Bit by bit it comes together.Jacks used to close the centre seam, then tacked inside.Span set pulls it together at the bow.Finished...
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Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

In the Groove

I filled the gaps on my sample board with white pigmented and thickened epoxy to see how it will look and to practice the application. After using blue tape to tape off the boards, I mixed a 5 pump batch of epoxy. A 1/2 tsp. of white pigment was mixed in and then a few spoonfuls of white silica to thicken. Then the batch was loaded into a blank caulking...
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Senin, 26 Desember 2016

Bathroom Finished

At last I have finally finished the bathroom.  Ive had the shelf units for a few weeks.  These were once again custom made to my drawings and supplied by Frinton Kitchen & Bathrooms.  Thanks to Graham and Danielle.  This company has supplied all my fixed furniture for the Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom.  Jolly pleased...
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Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

A Boaters Favorite Subject

Yeh toilets again!Following the removal of the 230v toilet in favor of the 12v again I was left with a gap behind the toilet as I had to remove some extra wall to get the plumbing connected to the 230v one.I made a template a week or so ago and my brothers stone firm cut and polished a cover plate out of a type of man made porcelain.So why...
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Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

Happy Floatday

Well, one year ago today Avalon was gently lowered into the water.  Where did that year go?Launch Pics again Well weve had a great year of cruising the Gt. Ouse waterways and meeting an making new friends. We have clocked up 187 hours which equates to about 750 miles covered. We have learnt how to mostly keep control on her. Weve had...
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More Electrical Bits

The last couple of days on the boat has really been themed with electrical things.I was most excited to find this GSM gadget.  I wanted the ability to get the boat ready for our arrival by switching on the inverter which would then power the heating and fridge.  Initially I was thinking just one switch but as I looked I found I could get...
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Senin, 19 Desember 2016

One model makers opinion

Model makers are one heck of a competitive group of people. Its a good thing - it makes the art better and better. Good model makers always want to get to that "next level". Its not unlike other arts or music. I love to see what others do and sometimes Im blown away. Take for example, functioning miniature V-8 engines, or huge R/C 747s, or some of...
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Gritty Alterations

A wanted a break in the weather this week as I am having the Pram Hood altered to have the helm window and the large back window made to zip out.While its gone I have taken the opportunity to grit the back end of the roof.  This involved a good rub down with 40grit DA then masking up.Then a very thick coat of floor paint followed by a liberal...
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Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Steps Revealed

Been to the boat for a couple of days and got a few more more jobs done.I can finally reveal the steps which have been a work in progress for a while now.The woodwork was done from my drawings by DW General Wood Machinists They have a CNC router which shaped the steps and plunge routed the slots to 8mm to receive the inserts.  I made the inserts...
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Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

DIY Non skid Surfaces for Plywood Boats

"Slippery when wet." How often dont we see that on notices and signs along footpaths, in shopping malls and in other places where a surface is too smooth to allow a good grip and could become dangerous?Boats are also such places, with the additional factors of regularly being wet right where you need to be and also jumping around in reaction to wind and waves. Despite that, it is a common problem...
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Lady Shipwrights

Several years ago, when I got it in my head to build a boat, women builders on the internet were hard to come by. There were a few, but most of what I found were media mentions of so-and-so building a boat and sailing away. I didnt get to read many first-hand accounts of the experience. Not so anymore! Here is a list of my favorite builds by women...
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