Rabu, 28 September 2016

Somethings Wrong Here

If youve read this blog a while youll know that I dont do wood.Well, look at this, Ive successfully made something out of wood!What is it?Its one of these:-On a woody theme.  The other day I got the dressing ferrels for the mushroom vents .  Here they are all varnished up and ready to fit.Other jobs done today.  Another coat of paint...
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New Genset Frame

This is the new frame I have made to do 2 jobs. 1st job is to support the rear of the engine. Previously the 230v alternator body did this. The new 12v alternator isnt designed to do thisThis doesnt look much but it took several hours of head scratching and trying different things. There was 2 main problems / considerations in the design. The 1st and...
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Senin, 26 September 2016

Looking Forward to Cooler Times

After this record setting hot summer Im looking forward to some cooler times...Not that I love to be cold, but I am really looking forward to the autumn show schedule coming up. Its relatively relaxed compared to the last few months.The remainder of our schedule has us working relatively close to home.   This year, weve traveled...
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Sabtu, 24 September 2016

California Drought and Flood

This is yet another California drought post, this one featuring a book by two women who know what they are talking about, that is, the climate of California since the last ice age. The idea behind studying the earths past climate is that we might be able to see patterns that could help us predict climate in the future.  Unfortunately, climate...
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Another Groundhog Day

I have had a a bit of a problem with the magnolia paint on the side of the boat and to a lesser extent on the blue parts.The magnolia was worst affected. After a few months I notice the surface had dulled.  On closer inspection it could be seen that a multitude of tiny lumps that looked like micro blistering but wasnt as this is caused by moisture...
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Kamis, 22 September 2016

Fly me to the moon

I sometimes wonder how I got it in my head to build a boat and sail around the planet. Sure, people do it, but those people have carpentry and sailing skills. I don’t. I had never used power tools and was on a sailboat once. I might as well have announced to my friends and family that I wanted to build a backyard rocket ship and go to the moon. I suppose...
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Rabu, 21 September 2016

Before totally committing to building a boat in the basement, one needs some kind of proof its not going to be Noahs ark waiting for the basement to flood to get some use. While the tape measure said it would make it out...I wasnt sure that I wasnt another idiot building a big project that was stuck in the basement. I have to make a slight turn at...
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“Worlds Best Ship Modeling Magazine”

...is what it says on the cover. Theres a simple reason. It is. The information, covered in exquisite detail, is vast and comprehensive and is provided by some of the best ship modelers in the world. “Seaways Ships in Scale” lives up to the description.  Its a bit daunting to think that our little book was to face the scrutiny of anyone affiliated...
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Senin, 19 September 2016

10 Simple Steps to a Boat Frame

When I read other boat building blogs, Im always a little embarrassed for myself. Other builders shops are so clean, their joints so perfect, the tools shiny and brand-name. You wont find much of that over here on Building Luna. As mentioned earlier, I have a rather down home (see Urban Dictionary) boat building style. I still feel pretty unsophisticated...
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Minggu, 18 September 2016

Another Nice Weekend On The Boat

We had the pleasure of Sue and Vic on our boat on Saturday night after having a shopping trip into Ely for essential supplies for all and a nice pub lunch together.Sunday was a bit of harder work. I painted some more of the roof and the concrete on our mooring was well overgrown having not been cut back for some years would be my guess.  So I...
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Sabtu, 17 September 2016

Lounge Ceiling

I have finished putting up the lounge and kitchen ceiling and additional lights over the hob.  It was touch and go as weather or not I would have enough material.  I did a calculation before I ordered.  Due to the cost of it I didnt want any over.  Looks like I failed ;-) It was this and the end trimmings This is the finished ceiling. ...
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Every June On The Weekend Of Fathers Day

there is a show in St. Michaels, Maryland, that to me, is special in a way unlike any other that I know of. Let me say that Ive been to a lot of shows over the years. Its formal name is "The 26th Annual Antique & Classic Boat Festival/The Arts at Navy Point". Feel free to print this poster and show it offIt is one of the grandest expositions...
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