Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Building Forms

The basement exercise room became the room of choice for building the boat....never got any use as an exercise room anyway. I didnt want to tear out the carpet, so the old ping-pong table that needed to disappear became the foundation for my form. I reinforced the underneath side of the ping-pong table with 2x4s and by rotating each half 90 degrees...
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Shiny Stuff

I have been working with the pram cover maker to make the stainless steel tube frame to take the cover.  Normally he contracts this to a SS specialist.  He normally makes a light alli tube frame as templates then the SS guy does his bit.  Between us we have made the frame combining his know how and my metal skills.  This has saved...
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Monday 12th Nov 2007Bulkheads front and back of the engine room.As the hull is still floppy, it had to be jacked into the correct shape to fit the bulkheads.Very slow to fit but a 100% fit makes the boat hull true to shape and is the basis for all the rest of it to follow.BHD 8 fitted.Big thanks to Paul for the 2 hours he gave us as we really needed...
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Fleet a Planing Hull Version of Flint

Back in about 2003 I was asked to design a rowing/small outboard boat for operations in a short, steep chop, with the emphasis on lack of pounding. The resulting boat, named Flint, has been very successful and popular. She is very easy to build - if you follow the assembly sequence - and a distictive feature of her hull is the fine, hollow sections...
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Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Discussion about Flat Bottomed Hulls

As I expected, publication of an opinion on the subject of flat bottomed boats has resulted in some discussion. Graham brought up the matter of adequate rocker and running the forefoot above the waterline (see my previous post), and he used Phil Bolgers Black Skimmer as an example. Black Skimmer is one of my all-time favourite designs,...
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Dave Mainwarings definitionsHULL defintion of:The outer shell, including frames, ribs, interior bulkheads, exclusive of masts, rigging, deck and equipment."bare hull" defintion of:A model boats outer shell, EXCLUDING, ribs, interior bulkheads, exclusive of masts, rigging, deck and equipment. Example. A fiberglass hull as pulled from a mold.--A wooden...
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One of the great joys of owning and/or building a small wooden sailing boat is that there is plenty of opportunity for experimentation. For some reason it doesnt seem right to go shifting things around on a glass production hull, but wooden boats lend themselves to modification. With high-quality epoxy and fastenings, the end result should be...
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Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

It has been very busy as evidenced by fewer postings. We have launched a new website for the CNC Boat Kit business will feature the boatbuilding, mast and spars, and oars work.One of the most important details in a good CNC kit is working out the NC scarf. Here is a CNC router cutting some test scarfs. The...
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The broken technology icon

Here it is, a little icon, a crossed wrench and screwdriver that means something, I dont know what exactly.  I think it might mean that by clicking it, I can mess with the technology enclosed in the box that its in the lower right hand corner of.But I think of it as the broken technology icon.  And for some reason, it reminds me of the hammer...
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Building the RSJ Frame

In August we built the Frame to build the boat on,Steel supplied locally and built on our own steel deck staging as we havent level ground anywhe...
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