Sabtu, 30 April 2016

A Trip Up The Cam Time Lapse

We took the boat out for a jaunt up the River Cam last weekend. EnjoyClick here for the video Is that that No Problem with us.  I think it is. Thanks for the company Sue & ...
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Front Locker Seats

Another of those jobs thats been hanging around is the fitting, or more precisely the securing of the bow lockers.The lids have been loosely laid on top which looked fine but was not very safe if you stepped on them going forward as they would slip.  They were cut from templates I made then scanned into a CNC router by the same firm that did the...
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Finished raised floor

Part of an update,Pics taken 11th March 09.Finished new floor heightCentre Girders back in placeNew Cut in 1st step to aft cabin, now there will be 4 steps instead of 3 and will be betterAft Bulkhead getting reinforcing box to carry aft wallOther side.Once this was in I re -attached new 50mm angles to the aft wall and cut out the lower origional o...
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Jumat, 29 April 2016

The conception of our project

In February 2008, while we were walking along the north shore of Flathead Lake, my husband Richard commented that he wanted to build a wooden sailboat and sail away into retirement. How else do travel junkies afford their habit, but take their house with them?As the winters tend to get rather gloomy here in the Flathead, a long term project sounded great. We toyed with buying and refurbishing an older...
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Nose Cone Bow sprit

I showed this picture ages ago as it is the marked out sheet for the cone.Some Good people at Eurofab Technologies Ltd. are to bend it on a press brake.www.eurofab.ieThere was a smaller test piece also marked up for the setup12th Feb we get a clear hour to do the bend as the factory is usually busy doing lots of repeat work.First test piece 90 % correct.We...
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J 111 Review

Now that the Honcho is up for sale, were beginning to look for another boat and another adventure. Ive always liked J Boats, so I couldnt wait to see the new J/111, which we thought might be a fun high performance cruiser that would suit our needs. Well, after checking one out, we decided to keep looking because its not quite big enough for the voyages...
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Morbihan 2011

This video was made by Voiles et Voiliers in 2010 after my visit there to meet and sail with my friend Francois Vivier. We sailed from Pornichet to the Gulf of Morbihan in his 25 gaff-sloop called Pen Hir  and for 3 days sailed in company with thousands of boats during Semaine du Gulfe Morbihan. Itis an experience I will never forget and I cannot wait to return. Enjoy!...
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Blue Is The Colour

Sam, the canopy maker, is coming in a couple of days so this is what has spured on the final spraying of the stern area.  Theres quite a lot of fittings that need to go on and its better that its painted first instead of masking up loads of little fittings after.I have never used 2pac paint before this weekend.  I was impressed with how the...
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Orange Boat

I’ve written about this fast cruiser on Burlesdon Blog a while ago and was very taken by the design when we first saw her in the Mediterranian. Designed by French Naval Architect Jean-Pierre Villenave she is a Turbo 950.France is one of the most exciting centers of yacht design where many small scale designers are applying lessons and technologies...
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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Leaving Purgatory

Trailer update: I am pleased to announce that I have left corroded screw purgatory and am now in renovation heaven. The trailer, on the other hand, looks like shes been to hell and back:Dont trust your children to me.Shes very close to getting a coat of fresh white pai...
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During a recent visit from Paul Hernes (builder of the first Phoenix III) I was able to take a number of still and video shots of the details of the balance lug rig on Pauls Phoenix III.This was my first ever attempt at video filming and editing, so please be patient with the results. However, you may find some of the clips to be worthwhile as they do show how well the boat has been developed by Paul...
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DDYD Mobile Website

Last night we went live with a new section of our website, optimised for mobile devices. You can access it via a link to it on our desktop home page or via the direct address of mobile websiteThis new site is fast and compact, to load pages and information as quickly as possible on mobile systems. It has most...
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Rabu, 27 April 2016

Melon Seed Nancy Lee

Roger Rodibaugh of Lafayette, Indiana kindly sent us pictures of his delightful Melon Seed skiff Nancy Lee named after Rogers wife. The Mellon Seed has been a favourite ever since I first discovered the lines in Howard Chappelles book American Small Craft.Roger tells the story - In the 1880s, in the bays and backwaters of New Jersey (USA), there developed...
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Electrifying the Galley Woodstove

www.fatscostoves.comI found one of these little cuties on eBay for around 50 bucks several years ago-- long before I ever thought Id be in a position to build a boat. I bought it rather hopefully anyway. Lugging it to various apartments year after year as I finished college, I dreamed of the day I would warm my hands around its tiny crackling fire...
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Selasa, 26 April 2016

A Month in Banderas Bay

Banderas Bay SunriseFinisterra has been in Banderas Bay for about a month, and it looks like well be here a few more weeks. Weve decided to spend the season cruising in Mexico instead of hurrying south to Panama this spring. Reasons for this are multiple, but the primary cause is that we had planned to leave California in November but were delayed...
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Aft Seat

Aft Seat has the reverse design to the gas container.Using a 30mm plumbing pipe to create the radius on the top of the seat.Its tacked so once its welded it will be smoothseat supports to be fitted and a centre support yet to be fittedI will fill in the corners to be unifo...
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